Thursday, November 5, 2009

November Update

  • One of our staff is attending a 20 day training put on by Youth With A Mission. We are excited she has been given this opportunity to improve her skills with kids, as it has been her dream since she was a young girl to work with vulnerable children. Topics include child advocacy, child rights, development, and motivation for working with children.
  • We now have 35 rabbits! Possessing these animals has allowed us to cut our food costs, and generate income by selling them at the market. The boys have eagerly taken on an increased responsibility in caring for the rabbits. They excitedly tell staff every time a rabbit is pregnant, and love to help in delivering the bunnies.
  • The 5 newest boys at HFL have been doing very well in their new environment. One of the youngest boys, Simeon, has been very shy and timid but was found teaching a large group of boys a gospel song at the weekly outreach service for street youth.

Update on Megan’s trip to Rwanda:
It’s hard to believe that after over a year of waiting to return to Rwanda, I am leaving in 3 short weeks. While there, I will be living with HFL Staff Member Josiane and her family to help in the many daily tasks at HFL. These duties include assisting with the daily care of the boys, securing local resources and connections to benefit HFL, training staff on basic counseling and behavioral management principles, and coordinating the weekly outreach service to local street children. Please be praying for this trip and for the HFL staff who have been faithfully serving the people of Rwanda.

* We have updated our website with information on the new boys. Check it out!